Steve stuff

Red Dot Diet

My cats are big believers in the red dot exercise program: if they see a red dot, they chase it. Simple as.

I wish humans were just as motivated. Need to drop 20 pounds? Start chasing some light around the apartment. All you'd need is another human with a laser pointer handy, a spotter. My wife could probably spot me.

How would you cultivate the need for red shiny things? Surely people could be genetically modified to GO INSANE for red dots. Though, that might make stopping at red lights harder. It’d turn car blinkers into blinking targets, too. (゚Д゚) We’d need to be able to turn off Our red dot killer instinct - something smart, reliable! Technology has never failed us. So, cybernetics it is. Just flip a switch that’s directly wired to your brain (safely), chase some dots for like an hour and then turn it off. Problem solved! ...until the dot sensors have a broken firmware update and there’s smoke coming out of your ears.

Maybe humans aren’t ready for laser pointer chasing. Cats (OUR owners) are just on another level.

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