Steve stuff

Random thoughts on AEW

The stuff I wrote below was supposed to be for a random reply but... yeah, it was just me marking out. Might as well post it here.

I really do like that AEW exists. Not really for Tony's booking, but just for the amount of cool stuff certain guys can do with the creative freedom. WWE, even though Raw is waaaay, way better than it was even a few months ago, is still too script driven and its matches are too producer driven for me to completely commit. In AEW, you'll get dudes with close to 1000 matches in matches in Japan under thei belt. Guys like Juice and Jay, Takeshita, Kyle Fletcher and Ospreay that, when they're grounded, can have a good match and, on top of that, can call a lot of stuff in the ring.

It's honestly criminal what Tony lets us have glimpses of then takes away. Like, where is FTR vs BCG 3 (coming after their hour long match 100% called in the ring), especially now that Juice is back? Why aren't the Acclaimed interacting with the Ass Boys to wrap up their feud before Billy Gunn has to retire? Why is Ishii getting more matches than most talent actually employed Tony? Who are the House of Black supposed to be feuding with? Who is anyone supposed to be feuding with in between the 7 to 12 hours of AEW programming on a given week?

Idk at least we have HeyEW, which is unironically one of the best things to come out of AEW. HeyEW is the Michaels and AEW Unrestricted, starring Aubrey and internet mark Will Washington, is obviously the Janetty.